It’s now a bit over two weeks since the TT RS was revealed in Geneva. Just in case you’d forgotten what all the fuss was about here’s a couple of dozen images and another sound bite to refresh your memory. As always in AUSmotive image galleries, click on each image to load your 2000x1320px wallpaper sized files.
The vital stats, of course, centre around the UR quattro inspired 2.5 litre five cylinder engine, which produces 250kW (340PS) and 450Nm of torque. The TT RS is expected to do the 100km/h sprint in the mid 4 second range, before topping out at 280km/h, if the option of removing the usual 250km/h speed limiter has been exercised.
The TT RS is due for European release in June. Australian readers will need to wait until the first quarter of 2010, or a little under 12 months from now. Australian pricing is currently a well guarded secret, but with the TTS list price hovering around the $100K mark, I reckon you’ll need to put aside at least $130K for the range topping RS. If you’ve got one on order, you might need to bookmark this page to help you get by.
More on the TT RS can be read here: